Riverbend Montessori


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Mission Statement

Our mission at Riverbend Montessori Child Development Centre is to provide quality care for children through a cooperative partnership between families, staff and the community.


At Riverbend Montessori Child Development Centre, our philosophy is based on a combination of “learning through play” and the Montessori method of teaching:


Our goal is to provide an environment that enables each child to develop to his or her optimum potential: physically, socially, emotionally, intellectually, and creatively by


At Riverbend Montessori you will find educators full of enthusiasm, love and dedication to the teaching of young children. They know best learning occurs through hands-on, joy filled play.


Assessments are done three times a year at our centre to understand and support children’s development.it is also essential to document and evaluate how effectively program is meeting young children…


Testimonials You have all been such an important part of our lives Csenia and Avlea have developed into the little girls they are today because of you!- Many thanks. The…

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