Riverbend Montessori


The preschool years are a particularly important period in child development. We want every child to experience early success in learning and feel excited to learn and explore. We also want to prepare children for their experiences in Kindergarten.

Curriculum: the sum total of the experiences, activities, and events, whether direct or indirect, that occurs within an environment designed to foster children’s learning and development.

Curriculum is not a list of topics that need to be taught or activities that have to be completed. It is the way our centre design interactions, relationships, environments and experiences to create learning opportunities.


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This room features 2 teachers caring for 10 children. We provide third staff for transition times. Your child will have a variety of opportunities to explore and learn both indoors…

Three Year Old Preschool

Our Three Year Old program year is a spirited introduction to social and academic life. This fun filled program takes full advantage of a young child’s remarkable ability to learn.

Four Year Old Preschool

The Four Year Old program picks right up where the Three Year Old program finishes off. It is just as dynamic, just as fun and just as enriching.


The Riverbend Montessori Kindergarten is serious fun, serious academic learning and serious social growth all bundled together! This exciting five day a week program for five year olds recognizes the…

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Program Evaluation

Our program plans on improving ourselves with our Quality Enhancement Plan through Accreditation, ongoing input and feedback from staff and families, PD opportunities for employees, surveys, policy questions to our parents in our newsletters, policy questions for our staff at monthly meetings, safety inspections and survey checklists.

We are always looking for new ways to involve parents, staff and the community. Throughout the year we track and document illness, incidents, accidents, critical incidents and behavior repetition. At staff meetings or board meetings we will discuss our findings to see if classroom action or policy changes are required to eliminate risk.

Get in Touch

Contact us if you have questions or wish to enroll

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