Riverbend Montessori


Learn more about our various policies

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Applications will be taken on a first-come-first-served basis. The Director/Assistant Director can let you know if spaces are, or will be available for the date that you wish to enroll.


We do our best to prevent discipline situations from arising by having qualified staff and child-care professionals. Each child is accepted on an individual basis. We also consider each child’s…

Late Pick Up & Toy Policy

Our Centre close sharp at 5:45 pm. With this in mind and out of respect for the long day your child and his/her caregiver have had, you must pick up…

Emergency Evacuations

Fire drills are held once a month, minimum, to prepare children in the event of fire or for any other emergency evacuation. In the case of an actual fire, the…

Medication Policy

A “Medical Authorization Form” must be filled out by the parent indicating date, name of child, name of medicine, dosage, and time(s) to be given. An assigned staff member must…

Illness Policy

Children are often ill. This presents problems to working parents who do not want to be absent from their jobs. However, when your child is sick, please do not bring…

Get in Touch

Contact us if you have questions or wish to enroll

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