Riverbend Montessori


We accept subsidized parents and are fully supportive of the subsidy program. However, a parent’s subsidy application must be completed and verified prior to their child attending, by the parent. We do not apply for subsidy on a parents behalf. Staff can redirect parents to contact human services or go online to apply for Subsidy. If a parents subsidy agreement covers fulltime care (100 hours or more), they need attend 100 hours.

Subsidy will only pay for actual hours used in a month, regardless of our contract with parents. They will deduct any overpayment from us and they will leave it up to us to collect the difference owed from parents.

Subsidy is the full responsibility of the parent. We will make every effort to supply reminders and assist whenever possible. Personal information changes must be reported to subsidy as it occurs in order to keep subsidy current.

Please visit Alberta Human Services for more information.

Get in Touch

Contact us if you have questions or wish to enroll

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