Application form for Riverbend Montessori

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Mother's Information

  • Father's Information

  • Emergency Contacts Information

  • Authorized Contacts

    These are contacts to whom the child may be released.
  • Registration Information

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • :
  • :
  • About Your Child

  • Medical Information

  • Admisison Agreement

  • We ask that all Riverbend Montessori Child Care sign and return this admission agreement. (This agreement also covers other areas not previously mentioned in the handbook- please read carefully).

    I have received, read, understood and accepted the policies written within this handbook, and accept the responsibilities of myself as a parent regarding: the payment of fees to be received on or before the fifth day of the month in which my child is registered.

    The following of procedures as outlined under the fees policy page with regards to supplying post-dated cheques, notice of termination; no fee reductions for holidays and absences; retention of receipts given and payment of applicable additional fees.

    The picking up of my child prior to the 5:45 pm closing time.

    Notifying the center when my child will be absent or needs to be picked up by someone other than myself. Providing alternate care for my child on the days he/she is ill; or becomes ill while at school or the center.

    Furthermore. As a parent of Riverbend Montessori Child Care, I agree to:

    Meet with the Child Care staff should they have concerns regarding my child’s behaviour or conduct.

    Allow Riverbend Montessori Child Care staff to obtain medical aid for my child in the event of an emergency, realizing that this may involve the transportation of my child via a staff’s personal vehicle or an ambulance.

    Allow my child to be photographed or video taped for the purpose of internal (Centre only) interest.

    If you wish to terminate your childcare position, we ask that you provide one month written notice.

    I have read, understood the accept the center’s responsibilities and policies in regard to discipline, illness, administration of medication, arrival and dismissing procedures and emergency evacuations.
  • Notice Regarding Facility / Area Use and Fieldtrips

  • As a parent of Riverbend Montessori Child Care Centre, I understand that centre uses the following areas and facilities as part of group activities for kids:

    - All field areas in and around The Riverbend Shopping Plaza
    - Riverbend Library
    - Riverbend Senior home
    - Riverbend Safeway.
    - Any of the local parks Falconer Road Park, Henderson Park.

    By signing this form, I give permission for my child to use all the area and facilities as outlined above without any prior notification being given.

    I understand that all other outings or fieldtrips will be posted and that I will need to sign for them on an individual basis.
  • Terms and Conditions

  • 1. The Center agrees to notify the parent(s)/guardian(s) whenever the child becomes ill and the parent(s)/guardian(s) will arrange to have the child picked up as soon as possible if so, requested by the center.

    2. The parent(s)/guardian(s) authorize the Center to obtain immediate medical care if any emergency occurs when the parent(s)/guardian(s) cannot be located immediately.

    3. The parent(s)/guardians agree to inform the center within 24 hours or the next business day after his child or any member of the immediate household has developed a reportable communicable disease, as defined by the Alberta health except for life threatening diseases, which must be reported immediately.

    NOTE: Any information regarding child will not be shared without parental consent.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY