Riverbend Montessori


Learn more about enrolling at Riverbend Montessori

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Registration Forms

Registration in our programs are open to everyone. Applications will be taken on a first-come-first-served basis. The Director/Assistant Director can let you know if spaces are, or will be available…


We accept subsidized parents and are fully supportive of the subsidy program. However, a parent’s subsidy application must be completed and verified prior to their child attending, by the parent.

Wait List

Applications are accepted on a first come first served basis. If space in the requested program is not available, the child will be wait listed.

Fee Rates

Fees are charged on monthly basis and payment must be made on first day of month. Your child is not officially registered until payment is made. Late fee of $1…


Here are some resources that will help you make informed decisions about your child care needs. Alberta Child Care Association (ACCA) - A network of organizations with a focus on…

Get in Touch

Contact us if you have questions or wish to enroll

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