Riverbend Montessori

Medication Policy

A “Medical Authorization Form” must be filled out by the parent indicating date, name of child, name of medicine, dosage, and time(s) to be given. An assigned staff member must write down the dosage given, the time given, and sign the Medical Authorization Form when the medication is administered. All medication must be in its original container with the prescription marked indicating date, name of child, prescribing doctor, name of medicine, dosage and time(s) to be given.

Non-prescribed medication can be administered as long as the same “Medical Authorization Form” is filled out completely. Medication given must be in its original container and specify that it is suitable for the age of the child it is being given to. Staff will administer the medication so long as the parent’s request does not exceed the recommended dosage as prescribed on the bottle by either time or amount. Staff have the right to refuse to administer non-prescribed medication.

All medication must be stored in a locked container out of the children’s reach, and refrigerated when necessary.

Medical Emergency / Critical Incidents

Active children accumulate bumps, bruises, scratches and scrapes often through active play. Centre policies require that each child be observed for signs of injury upon arrival, and unusual injuries be recorded. Minor injuries will be treated with soap and water, a Band-Aid, ice as needed, and lots of TLC. All injuries requiring treatment are logged in an “Incident Report Form“; parents have access to these forms concerning their child.

If a serious injury, including a head injury, occurs we will call 911 and the child requiring emergency care will be transported by ambulance to the nearest hospital. Parents will be contacted as soon as possible after calling 911. If a parent cannot be reached immediately the emergency contact person on the enrollment form will be notified. Payment of any bills or charges incurred from the ambulance and/or other medical care is the responsibility of the parent. Licensing rules require that any injuries requiring professional medical attention be recorded on a Critical Incident Report form and reported to them within 24 hours with one copy being provided to the parent and the other copy placed in the Centre’s file.

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