Riverbend Montessori


Our goal is to provide an environment that enables each child to develop to his or her optimum potential: physically, socially, emotionally, intellectually, and creatively by:

  • Developing positive relationships with each child and family to create a bond between parents, children and staff through two way communication and opportunities for family and volunteer participation
  • Providing a healthy, safe environment which meets children’s physical needs
  • Providing well balanced nutritious meals and snacks
  • Providing children with opportunities to learn and play together from each other, from families and the staff and the community
  • Providing and environment, materials, equipment and experiences based on the children’s interests, needs & abilities to support all aspects of their development
  • Providing opportunities for adult directed and child directed play
  • Providing opportunities for long periods of outdoor play time where children will engage in physical activity and learn about nature
  • Developing relationships and partnerships within the community to enrich our program through the diversity within our community – special activities such as a music program, working with clay, etc.
  • Planning opportunities for children to explore their community through field trips, excursions and visitors within the local community.
  • Providing close, active supervision and age appropriate discipline, which fosters children’s positive self-esteem and sense of responsibility
  • Assisting families and to identify special needs and approved referrals to appropriate agencies
  • To promote and implement educational opportunities for parents, staff and volunteers
  • Promoting innovative responses to the community and structural needs
  • To secure staff and volunteers who are in agreement with our Mission Statement and Philosophy

Get in Touch

Contact us if you have questions or wish to enroll

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